What we offer (Services):

∞ Reassuring conversations about dying
∞ Facilitating family conversations
∞ Being supportive to family and friends
∞ Helping you and your loved ones get your practical affairs in order
∞ Being a companion and a listener
∞ Writing life stories
∞ Providing gentle touch and comfort
∞ Connecting to nature and beauty through art, music and poetry
∞ Reading from sacred scriptures, and offering prayers from any spiritual tradition
∞ Assisting with the end-of-life work of blessing and forgiveness
∞ Presence at the dying – where this is possible
∞ Creating meaningful rituals and memorial services
∞ Bereavement and grief support

How We Offer Our Services:

Personal visits, telephone or Zoom

Where We Operate:

Cape Town, Helderberg, Garden Route, Eastern Cape

How We Charge:

Fees are negotiable on a sliding scale