Grief Counsellor


Christine Dempers has been exploring end of life work since 2016. She has followed her interest on being an End-of-Life (EOL) Doula by going on different journeys which has led her to complete a number of courses and workshops with leaders in palliative care. These include an advanced course in Usui Reiki Ryoho, Grief and Bereavement Counselling with Christine Nachmann as well as St Luke’s Combined Hospice (SLCH) course on Palliative Care for non-medical professionals. In addition, she has attended Kirsten DeLeo‘s training in Contemplative End-of-Life Care. More recently, she did Soul Care training with Mary Ryan in 2021 and joined the newly formed Soul Carers Network.

She currently works in the retirement industry and does presentations and workshops on having “Conversations” to better prepare participants to deal with the death of loved ones and coping with loss and grief. Christine is pursuing her “calling” and wants to place all her energy in helping families and professional caregivers stay well while meeting the deeper emotional and spiritual needs of sick and dying patients or loved ones.

Cell: 071 857 6428


