Therapeutic Aromatherapist


Gigi qualified as a therapeutic aromatherapist in 1995 and became a volunteer at St Luke’s Combined Hospices the following year. She presently serves as a spiritual carer and complementary therapist at the In-Patient Unit in Kenilworth and at two day hospices in the community. Gigi completed the Soul Carer’s course presented by Dr Mary Ryan in 2020.

Gigi feels drawn to work with people who have life-limiting illnesses, at any stage of their journey. Since caring for her mom until her passing from stomach cancer in 1987, Gigi has trained in grief and bereavement work and explored and trained in a number of complementary modalities. These include Shadow Work, hypnosis, Reiki, and various forms of mind-body work. She is able to draw on these when the spiritual and physical needs of the person she is accompanying, change during the course of their journey towards transition. Gigi works on the Cape Flats and in the Southern Suburbs.

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