Jutta Holzapfel

End of Life Companion, Bereavement Facilitator and Life Celebrant


I provide non-medical support and counsel, both to people navigating transitional spaces like sudden loss or terminal illness – as well as companionship to those during the actual process of dying. Emotional, spiritual and practical support is offered during the End of Life phase and I intend to be a trustworthy refuge.

In addition, I facilitate Advance Care Planning, a document to provide direction to loved ones and healthcare professionals when a person is not in a position to make or communicate their own healthcare choices. This can be done at any age.

My aim is to ease fear surrounding the transition and provide an anchor for all those present. Together we allow Death to give Life a more extensive view. Serving as a companion while individuals reappraise their life and contemplate their legacy, I assist them to clarify their hopes and wishes around their death. I am able to listen deeply, facilitate legacy projects and assist with vigil planning.
Guided solely by the person’s wishes and needs, I fill the gaps – enabling a supportive and caring presence all around. I work hand in hand with other carers and health professionals where present, co-creating a space where the desired support is put in place.

In my personal life, I draw inspiration and insight from Nature, I revere the living world, honour the ancestral and unseen worlds and respect the belief systems of those who differ. I am comfortable in the territory of mystery. Through my private Wellness practice, I feel blessed to walk for a brief moment alongside others, inquiring into areas of their lives that touch them deeply.

Registered practitioner: ASKSA (Association of Specialised Kinesiologists) since 2009, ELSA (Enduring Loss Spiritual Alliance) since 2020 and a member of the Soul Carers Network since 2021.

Please reach out with questions or to arrange an initial meeting free of charge.

Cell: +27 79 3983251

email: jutta.h2@gmail.com

Website: www.breathingroom.co.za