Mary Ryan
Theologian, Priest, Educator, Soul Care Trainer and Practitioner
Mary is a theologian, a priest, an educator and a care practitioner. Her academic background and work experience have been in the fields of education, theology, spiritual counselling and educational publishing. As an ordained priest she creates and presides at personalised funerals and memorial services.
She has worked as a home-based caregiver in the UK and understands some of the stresses and challenges in the caring continuum. More recently, she trained with Felicity Warner’s School of Soul Midwifery in the UK, which directed her line of enquiry and engagement in the spiritual support of people at the end of life.
Her current focus is to provide training courses and workshops as well as mentoring Soul Carers who specialise in the spiritual care of people at the end of life.
For further information please contact the Soul Carer Network Co-ordinator